
Start Here!

The REALCLOUD HD1 camera User Guide is in Adobe Acrobat format and an application which can open PDF files must be installed to view the guide.

  1. Insert the REALCLOUD HD1 USB flash drive into USB port. If the USB port is equipped with AutoStart technology, the REALCLOUD HD1 camera User Guide will appear within a few seconds.

    If the REALCLOUD HD1 camera User Guide does not appear:

    • Click the Windows Start button and then click Run.
    • The Run dialog box appears.
    • In the Open field, type D:\HD1Guide.pdf (where D: is the drive letter for the USB flash drive).
    • Click OK to begin viewing the REALCLOUD HD1 camera User Guide.
  2. Register your camera below:

RealCloud Imaging
2625 N Loop Dr. Suite 2130
Ames, IA 50010

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